Sesto al Reghena is located at few kilometers away from Portogruaro, on the way to Pordenone.
It is a small village with a precious treasure: the St. Mary in Silvis Abbey, a splendid example of fortified monastery. It was founded by Longobards in the 18th cent. Of the ancient defensive works, moats and towers remains only a massive tower to testify the past power of the Abbey.
Inside the Basilica medieval frescos (14th cent.) by Giottesque painters are to be admired, as well as in the crypt, the urn of St. Anastasia, masterpiece of Longobardic art of the 8th cent.
The church is also a place of cultural events: the concerts of ancient music performed by world known artists and the living crib featuring the main moments of Jesus’ birth which takes place on Christmas Eve and in the afternoon of Saint Stephen Day.
The Abbey is part of a monastery complex. Today we can see the look-out tower with plaster strips dating back to about 1050 transformed in bell tower, the ancient Abbey Chancellery and the abbots’ residence in Renaissance style. Now is the place of the local Town Hall.
The origins of Sesto date back to the pre-Roman time as testified by archeological finds and by the meaning of its place-name. In Latin language Sesto indicates the location of a military camp located at six miles away from Julia Concordia, where now is located the town of Concordia Sagittaria. Its present denomination dates back to 1867 when Friuli Region was annexed to Italy and it refers to the Reghena river which flows through the village.
Not to miss a visit to the surroundings to admire the beautiful landscape as well as other art works: the ancient water-mill of Stalis, the fountain of Venchieredo, the saw-mill (18th cent.) in Casette and Villa Freschi in Ramuscello.